To fly, one must cut the roots which bind us to the ground.

On the other hand;

If you cut your roots before you have grown strong and are big enough to understand their importance, then you won’t fly, you will crash.

So the question that remains is, How do you know you are ready to fly? We can all agree it’s not about someone else’s opinion of whether they think you are ready or not. Is it about how you feel now, in this moment? But this feeling now, can be nothing more than a passing impulse and it is not good sense to base your decisions on such passing thoughts. Do you meditate and get your answers? Or bide your time, take a risk and say OKAY I think it’s now!

If you are a cautious camper like I am, keep doubting yourself till you come to a point where you feel YES! You are Totally ready for it now, ready for the Big change, that now you need to break away and explore your true possibilities. And maybe you feel it in your bones as a sure sign that yes it is time now…….BUT then somewhere, sometime amid the preparations to break free, someone or something makes you fall back into the vicious cycle of doubting yourself. Then you end up asking another set of questions to yourself. Asking yourself; do I really NEED to fly? I am reasonably happy and comfortable here. I surely can go on like this; What much will change being in air instead on the ground? So then what do you turn to? Who do you ask? Who tells you what to do? Do you make a pro/con list? Or go with your gut which is telling you to break out of your comfort zone and do what you seek to do deep within your heart and soul? When you receive conflicting answers from within your being; who wants to fly but not hurt the roots; where do you turn to?

Maybe we were created to explore our inner selves and follow our instincts to achieve success, peace and height of transformation for our soul by breaking out of these conformations everyone follows blindly? Maybe we need to be in touch with our inner selves and do what the soul and heart crave to do. But then what if they crave something hurtful? Offensive? Then do we still listen or do we overrule? But then the heart wants what the heart wants. Who is going to be the judge of what is hurtful and offensive? Hurtful to one, choice for the other. Offensive to one, defensive to the other.

But I digress….

Are these just excuses we have conveniently given ourselves to be selfish and do what we want to do? Maybe the right thing is the difficult thing to do. Maybe staying and sticking it out and being where you were sent is good sense. If you were meant to fly after all, why would you be given roots at all?

Or maybe your lesson is to learn to grow with your roots, shed them when you are ready and be fearless and embrace flying. Maybe the lesson is in learning to shed and fly. Do the scary thing to grow. Challenge yourself to evolve.

Maybe thinking some more about all of this and then coming to a decision is a good idea. We have a mind. So think. And think again. And some more. And in different directions. And from different angles. Do all the permutations and combinations. Be sure. Have no regrets. And then maybe somewhere in all this chaos we can learn to live life as we were meant to – perfectly imperfectly.