Somewhere far away she could hear noises, no they were voices. Voices talking, but she couldn’t decipher what they were saying, it sounded like an argument, then laughter, so no, not an argument then. Slowly the fog cleared a bit and she could hear what they were saying “Please didi, let me watch the Transformers movie.” “No Ammy, you just saw this same movie last week. You don’t have to watch it every single time that they show it.” Suddenly in a second Piya was awake, “The kids!” she thought. She stretched and turned to look at the clock. 8.45 am and ticking. Her eyes grew round as saucers and she shook away the lethargy and sat up. She reached for her phone, wondering how Amit wasn’t telling the kids to be quiet, he didn’t like argumentative conversations. She saw a number of messages all vying for her attention; what caught her eye were pictures that Alia and Sheena had sent. Scrolling through, she relived the night and chuckled to herself remembering the antics they had pulled while taking some of the photos. A red light was blinking continuously and she swiped at it to shut it off, “Oh crap!” it was a reminder to pick up her mother-in-law who was flying in from Bangaluru today morning. Suddenly she realized, Amit’s absence in the house made sense. “I’m sure he went off to pick her up. So sweet that he didn’t wake me up and let me sleep” she thought. Gathering her hair and tying it into a loose knot at the top of her head she went out into the living room. “Good morning kids, has papa gone to get dadi from the airport?” “Good morning ma, how was your dinner last night?” Riya skipped to her, and Amey lost no time in grabbing the remote from her chair and changing the channel with a gleeful grin. “I had a good time, even met one of my college friends by chance. What are you eating?” “I made a jam sandwich for Amey and one with nutella for me. Did you take pictures on your phone??” she asked excitedly, the television forgotten. “Yes, look!” Piya handed the phone to her and took a peek around the kitchen. “Give me fifteen minutes; I’ll have a quick shower and come. Have to make breakfast for your dadi and papa before they come back. They should be on their way back now.” “Oh mum, don’t worry, I’m sure they will stop at ‘Breakfast Place’ on their way back, dadi likes the food there.” “Did papa tell you that?” “No, he hardly spoke, he was angry a bit, because you were sleeping I think, that’s why I got Amey to get up early and sit to study a bit before papa went; I finished all my study revisions too. I made him pinky promise to get me spring roll from there, so I know they will eat there and come. What is this ma? You took just four pictures?” Riya prattled on, “My friends have sent more, look in the messages from Alia and Sheena” “Who is this uncle ma?” “That’s the college friend I bumped into by chance. His name is Karan, and Sheena, Karan and I were always together, we were best of friends.” “Mummy!!!” Amey shouted startling them; Piya hurried out to the living room, “What happened Amey?” “I want one more jam sandwich, please make it for me” he grinned. “You idiot. Why did you shout so loudly? We thought something happened to you! Lazy bum. Go make your own sandwich” “Riya. Language! Ammy I’ll make it for you, but don’t shout like that again.”


An hour later, Piya had showered, dressed, and was busy cooking lunch. It was close to 11.30  but Amit had not yet come back, nor had he replied to her messages. She was thinking of trying to call him again; he hadn’t picked up the first time she called, she assumed he may have been carrying bags, having no hand free to get the phone out of his pocket. She was walking toward the table where her cell phone was when the doorbell rang. Amey ran to open the door; he loved dadi, he was her favorite, and with the extra goodies, chocolates, love and attention, she became his favorite too. “Dadi” he whooped in delight. “How was your flight mummyji? And how was your trip?” Piya bent to touch her mother-in-law’s feet and took the purse and bag from her hand. “Why are you asking me Piya? You tell me, how was your dinner last night?” Piya was stung by her reply. After a few seconds, she managed to gather her wits about and she just smiled and went into the kitchen to fetch a glass for water for her mother-in-law. “I met my college friends after many years mummyji. It felt good. We had been to an Asian restaurant, lovely food. We all should also go there to eat, I’m sure you and the kids will like it.” She smiled as she served water to Amit and mummyji. Amit frowned at her. “Didn’t you remember that we had to go to the airport today morning? You should have come back early last night. I tried waking you up, but you were so fast asleep, you didn’t even hear me call you. Next time, please give preference to house matters before you plan dinners with your friends.” He picked up the remote and switched on a cricket match and sat watching it.

Piya felt like she had been slapped in the face. Amit had never ever spoken to her so rudely before. Well, before today she had also never ever gone out on her own to meet her friends. The thought came in and she stopped in her tracks for a second. She shook her head and went back to her safe place; her kitchen, her haven and started chopping vegetables. “Papa” said Riya after a minute, “this was the first time that mummy had gone anywhere out with her friends.” Piya stopped chopping and a smile lit her face, her sweet baby was grown up and she was talking in her favor. Amit just looked on, stunned at Riya. He was speechless. “Children should not talk between grown-ups” mummyji said sternly. “Come Amey, I’ll show you what all I brought for you from Bengaluru”. Amey just sat looking between Riya and his dadi.

Piya tried to just put the whole conversation out of her mind. She had been so blissfully happy when she had woken up that morning and now she felt miserable. In fact she felt like she just wanted to sit down and cry. “Maybe I should cut lots of onions so it will mask my tears and no one will ask me” she thought. On the other hand, who has ever asked me why I’m upset? She mocked herself. Shaking her head to get these thoughts out of her head, she went about her chores.

After lunch, mummyji retired to her bedroom to rest, the kids were studying in their room, Amit watching cricket on the TV and Piya clearing up in the kitchen. Riya came out and stood in front of her father, “Papa, why did you not eat breakfast today?” “Huh, what? I ate breakfast, what are you saying?” “Then why did you not get spring rolls for me? I had asked you to” she stared defiantly at him. “What do you mean why didn’t I? Is this the way to speak to your father?” “But you pinky promised..” “No buts. Go to your room and study.” Riya burst out in tears and ran back to her room, shutting the door. “Why are you shouting at her? You could have just said you forgot.” Piya sat down next to Amit wiping her hands on a napkin. He just stared at her and said “I didnt forget. I didn’t get it because she can’t be eating outside food every time we pass that restaurant.” “Amit, that place is close to the airport. How many times in a year do we go to the airport? And you broke a pinky promise?” “The pinky promise has lost its importance. It was for big and important promises that we used to make to each other, now these kids use it for anything and everything.” “Why are you saying this? Don’t become so short tempered. Even in the morning you spoke so rudely with me. What is so wrong?” she waited a few minutes and when he just turned back to the TV without a word, she felt all the more upset and simply went to the kids bedroom. “Is it okay if I lie down here for a while?” she asked. “Yes ma” Riya said softly. Amey just looked on with big eyes at his mother, not knowing what he should do. They had heard their parents’ entire conversation.

After her nap, Piya felt refreshed and as usual swept all her feelings under the carpet. She was an expert at that. No time for such emotions now, she had a lot to do; family duties came first after all. The rest of the day went by in a blur with dinner and preparations for the next morning. Late at night, after all her work was done, she switched off the lights and sat for a few minutes in the living room. The whole house was quiet. Everyone was asleep and she felt peaceful sitting alone in silence. She pulled out her phone and began browsing through the photos again. She looked at the picture of the whole group and focused on Sheena and Karan’s faces. Life could have been so different if Karan or she had taken different decisions in their past. Sheena was always with her, she was her rock. Her only friend in the world with whom she shared everything. They would chat, phone and message almost daily; but rarely meet. Piya never seemed to have the time. No time for myself, she thought morosely. Her time was dedicated waiting hand and foot on her children, and when they were fine without her, it was Amit and when he was busy with office and his friends, there was mummyji and house chores. And those very few times when there was nothing to take care of, she was expected to be confined to the kitchen and make some extra snacks or make herself ‘useful’ with some other housework. Mummyji disapproved of her going out alone to meet her friends and Amit was seldom interested to go with her, so she usually just gave up the thought even before trying to check if she could make the time to go. Well, that’s how it is. This is life. I will have all the time in the world for myself once the kids have grown up. She looked back at the photos. She felt happiness in her heart when she looked at herself, being herself, just enjoying the company of good friends and living in the moment not worrying about anything. She shut off her phone with a small sigh and went to bed. Tomorrow was going to be the start of another busy week.

The next few days flew past busy with school bags, lunch boxes, mummyjis special food requirements, mummyjis doctor visit, numerous cups of tea and plates of snacks for mummyjis friends who came to meet her and ask about her trip, ferrying the children to their classes, running back home to get dinner ready and then going back to pick them up! Amit usually picked them up from classes twice a week as his office was quite close to home and the children’s classes, but this week he had been late every day and so Piya had to run – literally! Riya went to singing and karate classes, both twice a week; Amey went for football and karate, both twice a week too. Thankfully they were in the same karate class so that made things a bit easier for her. In-between all the running around, she found respite in chatting with her friends. Sheena made a group with Karan and her and there was continuous activity with one or the other posting old pictures or reliving old memories or discussing present life; they shared the same camaraderie they had when in college. She felt like a teen again and Riya and Amey could see the effects; she was more ‘fun’ mom; pulling their leg, joking around and teasing them. Karan and Piya spoke a lot over the phone too, catching up with what all that happened in the past years. They had a few conference calls too so that all three of them could talk, but Sheena would usually be busy at work and have to hang up. They kept making plans of a trip which Piya kept rejecting. Let’s go somewhere in the city, why a trip. It’s too difficult for me, school is on and I have two kids who cannot miss school! By the end of the week the other two had given in to Piya’s refusal for a trip plan, but between them both they hatched a plan to con her into agreeing to go for a friendcation.

Saturday came soon and Amit had warmed up considerably during the week, forgetting all complaints with the hustle and bustle of daily routine.

Saturday morning the whole family sat together for breakfast when Piya announced that they need to start making plans for Amey’s birthday which was just a week away. Let’s have a party in our clubhouse, she said and all the other three groaned. Mummyji was the only one who agreed. “No!” said Amit. “Let’s have a party at that new party hall – The Red Roof Club.” “OH YESSS!” Amey jumped up and down clapping his hands. “Why are you so excited?” asked Piya fairly amused. “Arnav had his party there and they had this super jungle theme, with smoke and animal sounds and food that was shaped like dinosaurs and other animals. I had told you about it mummy. Please please let’s have my party there.” They all laughed heartily. “Yes”, said Amit, “that is exactly what I was planning, although with a different theme.” “Oh yay! Superb. I love you” Amey hugged his father and gave him a big kiss and started dancing all over the room shouting whoops of delight. “Okay now, let’s start with the menu, then the guest list and then go there in the evening to book the place.” “Lets do it!” Amit responded enthusiastically, “and while we are out there, let’s go to Pizza Place for dinner.” “We also have to get Amey his gift” Piya whispered to her husband who winked conspiratorially at her and nodded.

Sunday Piya spent all day at the computer, designing an invitation card to send out to everyone. After getting Amey to pose properly; with a few dress changes as per everyone’s opinion, then changing the layout some five times, the color schemes a few hundred times; everyone finally approved of the card. Within a few minutes the invites were emailed to everyone and one thing was ticked off Piya’s list of things to do for the party.

Sunday evening Amit went jogging, dragging the children with him, “You don’t get enough exercise” he muttered, “you have to be out in fresh air.” “Papa we play out all the time with our friends.” “Exercise is important too, not just hopping and skipping around.” The children relented and a sweaty trio came up home after a good 45 minute run. Piya shooed all of them to their baths and set the table for dinner. Monday went by in a blur too. Piya went to the baker’s to select a cake for Amey. They decided to get a photograph cake done where Amey’s picture would be on the cake! Amit had selected one with Amey and his mother, whereas Piya wanted one of little Riya with baby Amey on her lap. Not able to decide, she had carried both photos with her. On her way to the bakery, she called Karan and invited him for the party that weekend. He promised to come. “What does Amey like? Please help me; what should I get for him?” “Oh no, you don’t need to get any gift Karan, just come.” She said. “I’ll do that for your birthday, but I don’t want to disappoint a 7 year old, whose birthday party I am essentially crashing and you want me to come empty handed?” He said in a fake shocked voice. Piya laughed, “Well ok, he does like the ‘Transformers’ a lot.” “Great thanks! I can work with that info! So why is there so much background noise?” Karan asked. “I’m on my way to order his cake, traffic noise.”  “Ah..ok. Is it going to be a transformer cake?” “No no, planning to get one of his photographs printed on the cake, but I can’t decide between two.” “Tell me, I’ll help you decide.” “Well one is of a baby Amey sitting in a little Riya’s lap, and the second one is of last year, my mother-in-law hugging Amey.” “Hmm..tough call, why don’t you put both on it? Can’t you do that? Ask the cake shop, I’m sure they can.” “That’s a wonderful idea. I can’t believe I never thought of it. Both is perfect!” “See, I’m still your problem solver.” “That you are!” She smiled. “Ok I’ve reached; talk to you later?”

Post dinner, after sending the kids off to bed and giving mummyji her bedtime glass of warm milk, Piya changed and crashed on the bed. Amit was reading his global finance magazine. “How was your day?” “Fine.” “Amey is just so excited!” She smiled. “When are you getting the skateboard? Better get it on Friday; he’s been snooping around looking for his gift. Hiding it for one day will be easier. Riya is making him a very nice….” “Who exactly did you go to meet the other night?” Amit cut in. “Huh?” she looked confused, “what are you taking about?” “When you went out for dinner; who were you really going to meet that night?” “Sheena and Alia and …wait a minute. Why are you asking me this? You already know.” “Yes, you said Sheena and some other women, but you met someone else too didn’t you?” Piya simply looked at him with narrowed eyes. “So tell me, why did you not tell me that some Karan was going to be there too? And then you pose with him holding hands and even though there are four women there, you are the one standing closest to him! What is that supposed to mean?” “Amit! How can you talk like that to me? Your tone is not right.” Piya was distressed, at a loss for words. How did Amit know about Karan? Amit just sneered and turned away, “You have still not answered my question”. “Because you didn’t ask me the right question. You should have asked me how my evening had been the next morning. You should have at least listened when I tried to tell you about it the next day, but you were so angry that you didn’t want to hear me and you walked away. Today, after all these days, you ask me who I was ‘actually’ going to meet that night?? What are you insinuating?  I’m hurt, deeply hurt Amit.” She turned and slept, silent tears falling down wetting her pillow. Amit didn’t say a word; he got up, switched off the lights and went out into the hall leaving her alone in the bedroom.

The next morning Piya wondered how Amit came to know that she met Karan. “Maybe Riya said something and he took it in the wrong context? Or maybe he saw the photos on my phone. No matter what, where is the trust? The way he spoke was very offensive.” What she dreaded was another long week of Amit’s crabbiness. He wouldn’t talk to her or answer when she spoke, would generally ignore her, and mummyji would figure something was wrong and as usual side with her son without even knowing what the matter was. And when she did that, it usually fuelled the fight more, making Amit more unforgiving and unkind. The whole thing always left her emotionally drained and she wished there was someone at home she could share this with. Mentally giving herself a shake, she tried to focus more on the job at hand. Amey’s birthday was the center of attention this weekend; she couldn’t let anything else disturb her focus. She got back to listing out the invited children according to their ages and looking at options of party favors for them.


Saturday couldn’t have come sooner. Amey was hopping and skipping with glee all day. They had been awake till way past midnight, wishing Amey at the stroke of 12, taking pictures and cutting the cake Riya and Piya made for him. Resulting, they all woke up late in the morning; and after a late brunch, they started getting ready to go to the party venue. The theme was ‘Transformers’, Amey’s favorite movie and there were huge cut outs of various transformers arranged at various corners where the kids could pose with them in real-like action stances, posters of scenes from the movie plastered the walls, ‘all-spark’ cubes glowing from within, all scattered around the floor, few doubling up as small tables for the snacks, game tables where one had to guess which type of transformer a particular vehicle would change into and a child who guessed at least three correctly walked away with a little gift. There was a game-master who would emcee the birthday, making the children and adults play fun party games, a tattoo artist to draw transformer tattoos, a magician to enthrall the kids with impossible magic tricks, tid-bits of information about the movie stuck everywhere and there even was a person in a transformer suit who would walk around shaking hands and fist-bumping the kids.

Amey was thrilled to bits and everyone was filled with awe at the massive décor and the way it looked along with the lighting. It seemed like they were transported into another land, the planet of transformers! As soon as Amey’s friends started pouring in, they ran around the hall in total exhilaration and excitement taking in everything! Piya was in the hall attending to all the guests, Riya and Amey busy with their friends and mummyji seated herself at the table right in the center with her group of friends so that she could look at everything and everyone and not miss out on anything. Amit was near the entrance, welcoming in everyone warmly, directing the children towards Amey and Riya and the adults towards the tables and chairs.

Amit was looking at his phone when someone entered and he looked up to see an unfamiliar person holding a gift wrapped in shiny blue and red paper. “Hello, can I help you?” he asked. “I’m here for Amey’s birthday.” “I’m sorry, I didn’t recognize you” Amit started; suddenly as he was saying these words, his mind mentally matched Karan to the photos he had seen on Piya’s phone. “Oh” was all he could say. “Amit, right?” asked the stranger, “We have met long back, at your wedding actually. I am Karan, Piya’s college friend” he smiled, extending his right hand. “Right, right” Amit shook his hand for a mere second and ushered him inside. “How are you? Long time, you didn’t keep in touch all these years” “Well I moved out of India since more than a decade ago and usually my visits are very short, so haven’t had the chance to catch up with any old friends. This trip I’m here for a longer time, for some personal work. I wasn’t sure about making it here today, but I was very scared of an angry Piya, so here I am!” Karan laughed. “So how long is your trip this time?” Karan was mildly offended at the curt way his host spoke “Oh I’ll probably be here for at least six months, I have some unfinished business to take care of”, he said in an offhanded manner. The men regarded each other warily. On spotting Piya, Karan excused himself and walked away. Amit kept his eyes on Karan and saw Piya rush forward to welcome him warmly with a hug.

He scowled and quickly wiped it off his face and pasted on a smile when he saw other guests arriving. A few minutes later, Amit was looking all over the hall, but couldn’t spot Piya or Karan and he felt a mild irritation stirring. He stopped by his mother’s table asking her if she saw where Piya went, but she was too engrossed in the conversation and food around her. Amit walked away with a huff, looking at smiling faces all around him, but he didn’t feel happy at all. It was his son’s birthday, he had spent so much time, energy and money planning this party and now he couldn’t enjoy it. Taking a deep breath, he walked from one end of the hall to the other looking all over for his wife. He climbed the steps to the stage and then he saw them. Tucked into a far corner of the hall, behind the DJ’s console was a little balcony; and there were Piya and Karan both engrossed in deep conversation. And then just suddenly Karan pulled her into an embrace. Amit was shocked. His felt his face get hot and a surge of anger hit him; and he rushed through the crowd towards the balcony.

He was stopped four times on his way there, once by Amey thanking him and hugging him tight; once by his mother asking him when they were planning to cut the cake as one of her friends had to leave early, something about another function she to attend; a family friend who told him the decorations were awesome and asked point blank how much he spent; and the manager of the hall asking if all arrangements were satisfactory and if he needed anything else done. After evading everyone and promising to get back to them in a minute; he was desperately trying to keep the balcony in view through the crowd of people in his line of sight; finally he pushed his way out behind the DJ console into the balcony. There was no one there. Had it been his imagination? Was it someone else he had seen? Maybe he should have waited to see what had happened next. What had happened next? Did his wife embrace him back? Push him away? He hoped that Karan didn’t go any further than an embrace. His mind was in turmoil; he was livid and wanted to find Piya to make sure she was okay. He whirled around to look for his wife and found her chatting with some family friends. She looked happy and carefree, not bothered or upset at all. He looked for Karan, and found him just a few feet away, talking to a woman who he recognized as Sheena. Karan looked his way and waved and then made a thumbs-up sign. “The bastard looks so smug and haughty”, Amit’s blood boiled and he saw red. He didn’t bother smiling back, just turned and walked away.

The emcee started the games and made most of the adults play with the children. Amit excused himself and sat in a far corner, sipping on a bottle of water, he wished he could have a drink instead. Some rum or whiskey would make him feel better at the moment. Then he remembered that he gave up drinking few months back as a pinky promise to Piya. Piya. She was the center of his life. Very few times he had actually acknowledged this. Never to her though. Some weird thought process made him believe that he should never praise his wife or tell her how much she really mattered to him, or else he would lose her. Men don’t talk or act sappy and emotional. That was for the women. His thoughts went back to the scene on the balcony, he was sure he saw them embracing. Or was it a friendly hug? She had hugged him when he arrived. Amit had never seen Piya hug another man other than her brothers, father or him. A jealous streak rushed through him. What was going on here? She never told him that she had invited her friends; but then again they weren’t speaking much since that night they fought. “Karan”, he thought and clenched the plastic bottle tighter. “That night we fought because of him, and today my evening is ruined, again because of him!” He was shaken from his reverie by playful children who pulled him out of his chair. Come on uncle, you have to play, we have one person less in our team!

For the rest of the evening, right from the games, to cake cutting and then dinner being served, Amit hovered around Piya, not leaving her away from his sight. He noticed that Karan stayed away, sitting and talking to Sheena the whole time. He had calmed down and started doubting himself; did he misunderstand the situation? After about an hour Karan and Sheena came over “Piya, I’m leaving sweetie. I have an early morning flight tomorrow. The food is great and Ammy looks so happy. Good to see you after a long time Amit. Let’s plan another dinner and this time you must come too!” Sheena chirped. Piya turned to Amit “I’ll drop Sheena to her cab and come back” Five minutes later when Piya wasn’t still back, Amit looked for her around the hall. Fifteen minutes later, Piya was still nowhere to be seen. He called her cell phone and someone answered a mild “hello?” “Who is this?” Amit bellowed, his nerves already on edge, “Hey Amey, I think it’s your dad on the phone.” “Amey, what are you doing with your mom’s phone?” “Dad, we are playing a game, mummy gave it to me and she said I could play only for today.” Amit looked around getting worried; worried that another man was trying to woo his wife away from him, worried that they were somewhere, embracing each other again. His mind was filling up with images he saw earlier and he was desperately trying to wipe them off and think about something else. He tried getting up, but friends at his table didn’t let him leave. They forced him to sit, joking that he couldn’t live without his wife for five minutes, when he said he was going to look for her. “No no, I just want to ask her something about the arrangements here” he made excuses and feigned smiles, but inside his heart; which was hammering like crazy; he felt totally insecure.


After what felt like an hour, but was only fifteen minutes later, he saw Karan and Piya, walking down the stairs hand in hand. He tried to catch her eye, but Piya kept her gaze down, one hand firmly in Karan’s hand and the other holding her gown. Karan had eyes only for Piya or so it looked. He kept talking and she kept laughing. She certainly was happy, unlike him who was feeling angry, hurt, slighted and lots of other things his male ego wouldn’t let him admit. He admitted to one thing though – that Piya looked very happy, he hadn’t see her laugh like this in a long time. And that she looked beautiful. So very beautiful. Her angelic face, her sweet smile, he remembered the girl he had wed all those years ago. She was still as beautiful, more so if it were possible. And suddenly he felt afraid. Afraid of losing her. He felt as though in that moment there, he had almost lost her to a man who cared for her more than he did, was nicer to her than he was, who made her laugh more and frown less, a man who seemingly had eyes only for her. A man who was brazenly holding her hand, embracing her in public, and making her smile; not ashamed to show his affection for her. And Amit went cold and he knew that he hadn’t valued the most important person in his life and that he probably had; by his own callousness; lost her love.


#so whats going to happen next? What is brewing between Karan and Piya? Will Amit ever confess how much he loves and values his wife and that he can’t imagine his life without her; or will he remain the pig headed, unromantic and uncaring husband that Piya has come to know him to be? Doesn’t Piya deserve a partner who loves, respects and values her? Please leave your comments.

à Wait for chapter 3 to know what happens next!!