Sheena’s cab was taking forever and she had to cancel when the driver called to say he had a flat tyre. Sorry madam, please book another cab. But before she could open the app on her phone, she got a call from work, something to do with her trip the next day. “OK, please give me 30 minutes and I will get back to you with all the details.” Karan and Piya were standing a bit away as Sheena walked ahead while talking, but the response to this from the other end was so loud that they both exchanged a look between them. A look that said Uh-oh..Sheena is in trouble! An exasperated Sheena went on to explain, as politely as she could, that she was not at home. After a series of “Yes” “Okay” “Fine” “I’ll be there in ten minutes.” she hung up and turned to look at her bewildered friends. “Whats going on? Who was that on the phone?” “My boss! He is a restless man and he gives all of us anxiety! The perfect person to talk to if you are feeling way confident, he is sure to bring you down to earth with a slam in 3..2..1 BAM!” she said in a condescending manner. Catching herself and the expressions of her friends, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. There, standing on the pavement, what a sight she must be, yelling one second and comatose the next! Muttering under her breath she looked at Piya and said, “Nothing! Please ignore. I’m all ready and set for the trip tomorrow, but my boss is an old guy and I guess getting hyper and tensed about everything comes with the territory. Plus he has more than usual reason to be concerned, now that the office is actually spending on air fare and hotel arrangements for eight people on a trip to Dubai. I would be too, I guess.” She cracked a smile. “So anyways, looks like it was good my cab broke down, coz I have to go to office now and go over the details of the presentation with him once more. It will be closer for me, imagine having to turn around from halfway to home!” “Oh you poor thing, you have to get up early too!” sighed Piya. “Nothing the matter Piya darling, I’ll just stay awake all night and sleep the whole flight through” she grinned. Alright you two, see you soon! She flagged down the first cab she saw and was off. “Have a good flight” “Have a good trip” they both yelled at her disappearing car.

Twenty minutes later, Sheena was sitting across her boss, his son and the whole team which was flying to Dubai the next morning. She was secretly pleased she wasn’t the only one awake and in office at this hour! ‘At least now I won’t be the only one tired and sleepy on the flight.’ After going through everyone’s reports, Mr.Boss (as everyone called him to his mighty pleasure) was finally pleased and wished everyone a good flight. “Remember you are there for work, please sightsee only after you finish the work you are going for. And I want everyone to report to Alex at the end of each day.  Alright then, good night and good flight to all nine of you.” When the door shut behind the boss, everyone collectively exhaled, even Alex! “Sheena, I swear I was going to scream if the meeting went on any longer! No offence meant Alex sir” “None taken” he smiled genially.” Nine of us?” asked Sheena Everyone started moving out of the conference room and a few muttered under their breath.  “Alex sir is coming with us Sheena, didn’t you read the email today evening?” Meera rolled her eyes. “OH! No, I was at a party” She smiled meekly at Alex and quickly turned around to leave muttering under her breath. “What’s that now?” asked Alex. She whirled around, she was the only one left in the conference room with him, “Uh nothing” she said, brows knitted together. “I heard something..did you say babysitter?” He asked with an amused smile. Sheena looked him square in the eye, “You heard right. I said I can’t believe he’s sending you as a babysitter for us. As our boss he should show more confidence in us, doesn’t your father trust us to do our work right?” Alex was at a loss for words for a few minutes. Sheena picked up her bag and turned to leave. “Please don’t be offended by my presence. And if you do think of me as a babysitter, then maybe my father thinks of you as precious as babies, so he wants me there to make sure you all are okay.” He said elated by his own idea. Sheena just snorted and left. “Good night”, she did all she could to keep the contempt out of her voice.

After just three hours of sleep, Sheena was at the airport, walking in toward the airline she was booked on. She heard voices calling out to her and saw the whole group standing in line to check in and she joined them thankful to be able to cut into the long queue. “We are overbooked just a little”, said the airline employee, “so I am bumping one of you up to business class and that takes care of the excess baggage too. So here are two seats in business and seven in economy”, she handed out the boarding passes. Everyone looked eagerly at their boarding pass to check if they were lucky enough to be the one travelling with the boss’s son in business. Sheena was too busy shoving her passport back into her purse and lugging her handbag off the trolley while holding on to her scarf with one hand so that it didn’t fall over her face. She finally stood up straight and looked if she had an aisle seat; she detested window and middle seats. “3A? Crap, why did I get the window!” She blurted out. “I’ll exchange” said Alex with a shrug, “I don’t mind a window seat.” “Do you have an aisle seat, oh wow, thanks” she said quickly before she realized “Hey, I’m sure you fly business class, right? How can we exchange seats then?” “Well I’m on 3C, so I think we can.” It took her a few seconds for it to register, “Oh wow. Did Mr. Boss book tickets up front for us?” “No Sheena”, Ved replied, “you got lucky, it’s a full flight and you got an upgrade. I have an aisle though, want to trade?” “Hah! You wish! I’m keeping this window seat baby” she hooted in delight. Standing in line waiting to board their flight, she looked at Alex standing behind her, “So you will be sitting with your babysitter!” “Yes”, she smiled, “that’s what my ticket says. You are usually at the Delhi office right?” She asked, picking up the conversation. “Yes, right.” “So you stay at Delhi then, must be missing family back here.” “Not really, I mean, I do miss my family, but I don’t stay at Delhi. I’m at the Delhi office for about a month every quarter and then the rest of the two months are spent between Mumbai, Dubai and London offices.” “Wow” she said nodding. “Lots of travelling, must be lonely.” Then realizing that she must have sounded rude, looked at him sheepishly and apologized. “No need”, he said waving her off, “it’s true. Lots of travelling and its lonely and boring. I feel like a watchman checking up one everyone everywhere! Yes, sure go ahead and laugh; today you promoted me to babysitter!” “Sorry”, she mouthed, unable to stop her laughter and a second later he joined in too.

“Wow, this feels soo plush and comfortable and rich! Oh..I have to insist on travelling business class every time now that I’ve experienced it.” “Yes, seats extending fully horizontal are really something I can sell my soul for, especially with the amount of travelling I do!” “Hey I’m sorry for laughing like that earlier, I’m not sure if you were offended, I didn’t mean to.” “Not at all Sheena, in fact I felt a bit refreshed at your honesty. Usually people say ‘wow what an exciting life’, or ‘I wish I lived like you’ or ‘you get to see so many places’! That’s the worst. I mean if I wanted to see places I would rather been vacationing, don’t you think?” “Maybe those people vacation on office trips” she raised her eyebrows and they laughed again. “So what’s the worst one you have heard?” “Oh, that they suppose I love it! They couldn’t be farther than the truth!” “So if u hate it that much, why don’t you tell Mr. Boss? I mean your father.” “Actually it was my decision to do this. I didn’t think it would become so punishing though, seems like I don’t have a life at all. Here one day, there the next.” “So what happened that you wanted to run away like this?” He looked down at her, stuffed his bag into the overhead and sat down. He turned and gave her a long stare, I like you Ms. Sheena, you speak your mind, and truthfully. Very perceptive too.” She looked very conscious at that moment, “I’m sorry, it’s none of my business. This lack of sleep is getting to me I think.” “It’s true, I was running away from something. But, that’s a story for some other time.” She simply nodded thankful that he hadn’t taken offense. Someone else might have, hell even she would have. “Have you been to Dubai before?” He asked. “Yes, a few times, all for work though.” “Oh so not gone sightseeing?” “Very little, sometimes when I got a few hours before my flight back I would catch a taxi and go see the Burj Khalifa. Always wanted to go ride one of those ATV’s on the sand, but never got the time to. Mr. Boss keeps us on a tight schedule.”  “Have you been inside the Burj Khalifa?” “No! Never.” “Well, that’s no way to do that! I’ll take you around this time. Properly. There are so many places and sights, I’m sure you will like it.” “Well, thanks, I appreciate it Alex” she said. Sheena smiled as she enjoyed the extra leg space; it looked like this was going to be a very pleasant flight.

Around the time that Sheena was in her flight, Amit was sitting up pretending to work on his laptop but his mind was stuck on the previous night. He couldn’t get the images of Piya with Karan out of his head. First of them embracing, and then walking down the steps hand in hand. ‘At least he had the decency to let go of her hand when they reached the bottom stair’, he thought. His mind went over all that happened; Piya had stopped to talk to his friends at his table chiding them over the silly husband-wife jokes they were cracking. She had smiled sweetly at him, but he was frozen from the inside, controlling the tornado of feelings whipping up inside of him. He just about managed to smile back. The next hour flew by in a blur of food and good byes and soon they were the only ones left in the hall. Everyone was exhausted and slumped in chairs. He had walked up to Karan, Piya and his mother sitting together talking and pulled out a chair for himself feeling slightly miffed. Why had Karan not gone home yet? “Yes aunty, it is very effective. My mother is feeling so much better after using it. Don’t worry, I’ll get it for you as soon as possible.” “Whats that?” he asked eyebrows raised. Oh Piya’s friend is telling me about some ayurvedic oil for my knees Amit,” his mother supplied. “Those things don’t work, haven’t you tried a dozen already,” he dismissed waving his hand about. “No no, Amit, his mother’s friend runs an authentic ayurvedic oil treatment center in Kerala. This is the geniuine oils.” “Yes”, chimed in Karan, “it has worked wonders on my mother and a few others friends of hers who tried it. I’m sure your mother will feel relief. No harm in trying it anyways.” “No harm? I’m sure it will be costing at least some three thousand rupees for a tiny vial of oil.” he sneered. “This is how they…..” “He is not charging me for it.” “What?” “Yes Amit. He is such a nice person; he said he will not take money from me till I feel better by using it.” Amit looked at Karan trying to see his ulterior motive. “Why? It’s not free for you, is it?” “No worries Amit, I would be happy to be able to help someone, that’s all. And Piya is like family to me, I can’t take money from her!” Mummyji was all smiles, praising Karan, the wonderful boy that he was! It was irritating Amit too much, so he stood up and the manager walked towards him at that moment. “Piya please start packing up everything, I’ll settle the bill and come.” “Come on Amey, Riya, help me with all these gifts and packages.” she called. To his consternation he had seen Karan joking with his children and stacking and packing everything in big bags onto the tables. “What else Piya? Have I missed anything or have I got it all packed?” “All packed, you are such a good helper. Thanks Karan.” “Always at your service ma’am”, he was showing Amey how to do a bow down “Take a bow like this Amey, see here.” “All done? Hey Karan, thanks but you can carry on now. I’m sure you are getting late. I will carry everything out, no problem.” he had said, desperately wanting  Karan to leave, to just get out of his sight. He didn’t know how much longer he would be able to pretend to be polite to him. “Not a problem man, I got it, you can take those bags there.” The guy just didn’t get the hint or maybe he just wouldn’t listen to him. Amit had stomped up the stairs and backed the car out of the parking towards the entrance unable to keep the pretense up anymore. “Wow, look at Karan uncle’s muscles” Amey said in wonder, “Oh you are going to grow up into a fine muscled young man yourself Amey.” It was getting too much for Amit. First his mother, now even the children were going gaga over Karan! “Ok can we hurry up everyone; it’s quite late in the night. Do I have to give you a lift also Karan? Drop you somewhere?” he snapped. Everyone turned to look at Amit, “Wait a minute, I’m an old woman, I can’t hurry up” said his mother. “Thanks for the offer, but I have my vehicle” Karan sounded polite and Amit had felt more agitated that now he looked like the bad guy who lost his temper and Karan like the saint. He was getting his mother free ayurvedic oil after all! Yes, that’s what he was like, an oily person. Karan hugged the kids and mummyji warmly saying bye and then turned to Piya. “Catch you soon Piya. Good night”, and he turned towards his car and started it. By the time everyone had piled into the car, both the cars reached the gate together. “OOOH wow..a BMW” Amey squealed and Riya joined him “Bye Karan uncle, we want a ride in your car next time.” Everyone but Amit found it funny and they laughed as Karan crossed his heart and said “Promise!” Waving goodbye, they finally parted ways and he had breathed a sigh of relief.

Once back home, Amit had tried to be Mr. Wonderful but no one paid much attention to him. Amey was almost asleep by the time they reached home and parked and Riya was complaining about her brother’s gifts that she was made to carry. “Why can’t we just leave it in the car? Amey can come down tomorrow morning and get them himself.” Mummyji was so tired she went up and straight to bed. Piya and Amit carried as much stuff as they could and Amit had to go back for a second trip. By the time he came back up, no one was around in the living room to help him with the boxes and bags and he ended up tripping on Amey’s shoe left haphazardly in the middle of the room and just about managed to balance back. He dumped everything on the sofa and locked up for the night. He wanted to talk to Piya but she looked very tired and could barely keep her eyes open till he answered her questions about the bill and guests who didn’t make it. He just laid down quiet for a few minutes and soon heard her soft breathing signaling that she was fast asleep. He couldn’t sleep though. His mind was very much awake. He started to think what he would do if Piya announced that she was leaving him for Karan. The children and mummyji too would side her, no doubt, after seeing them fawn over that Karan tonight. Would Piya ever do something like that to him? No, he thought, she was a gentle soul. A very nice person, she could never hurt him. But he had certainly hurt her a lot in the past years. ‘When had the love and romance flown out of the window?’ he wondered. Sometime, unknowingly in these past four or five years he had stopped valuing Piya in his life. She was a constant, or so he had thought, so she started descending in his priority list. It was all about him and what he wanted and not about her. He hadn’t even taken her for that movie, Bahubali or something. It was a big hit and she had wanted to go, but he kept postponing and eventually never took her. She had really wanted to go for that. He remembered her asking him almost every other day to make the time. He should have. And last year he hadn’t got her a birthday present too, he hadn’t forgotten, he simply didn’t think a gift was necessary. He took the family out to dinner and he had thought that was good enough. Her eyes had sparkled, waiting for the moment her would surprise her with a gift that wasn’t there. Even when they came back home after dinner, he remembered her looking under the pillows until it dawned on her that he really didn’t get her anything. I should have done so many things for her. I’m sure cheesy Karan would never not get a gift for his wife. And suddenly; in his mind flashed an image of Karan and Piya together as husband and wife; with his children and his mother standing beside them. He knew he was thinking nonsense, but he broke into a cold sweat and sleep vanished for the remainder of the night. After tossing and turning till about 5am he got up, made himself some tea and sat with his laptop on his lap trying to do some work. He gave up trying and just sat and stared at the screen till he fell asleep sitting there on the sofa.

Sounds and sights registering into his brain and he woke up with a start, and then wished he hadn’t because of the sharp pain in his neck as he snapped his head up. “Ouch!” He groaned. “You are up! You should have gone back to bed to sleep, your neck was at such a weird angle” Piya peeked out from the kitchen. “Want some tea?” “Yes, please” he nodded. ‘I’m going to be a changed Amit from today’ he silently promised himself. The whole Sunday Piya was pleasantly surprised that her husband was so interactive and helped her with whatever she was doing. It was just like after Riya and Amey were born. The new parents had helped each other out in each chore and were found happiness together. Today he helped her chop veggies, fooled around in the kitchen, chomped on some snacks while ‘giving her company’(as he put it) while she cooked. He set the table, called the kids for lunch and then helped her clear the table too. Piya remembered late evening that the clothes sent for ironing were to be collected back since they weren’t there yesterday and Amit immediately offered to go. He sat in the kids’ room, checked their homework and got updated with what was going on in their classes. He even tucked them in after checking their bags were packed for school the next day. At bedtime Piya turned to him and said, “Thank you for helping me out today. I feel like I still have energy left to do something more at the end of the day!” Amit smiled and took her hands in his. “I’m sorry I wasn’t helping out more before. But we will get back to dividing all the work between us, just like old times, okay? I promise I’ll be more attentive.”

The next day he called from work, like he used to years ago and expected to find a surprised Piya at the other end of the line. But he was in for a surprise when his mother picked up the phone “What do you want” she asked, “Nothing, where is Piya?” “Oh Karan called her and said he was coming to pick her up to go bring that ayurvedic oil for me. She just left five minutes back. Her phone didn’t have any battery charge left, so she plugged it in to charge and left it at home. Karan said they should be back by 6 pm.” “Ok” he hung up. Karan again. Why was that man becoming a thorn in his side! It was just after 2 pm. ‘Why would he need 4 hours to get the oil bottle, was he driving her to Kerala?! He could have brought it himself and given it.’ Suddenly Amit felt greatly uneasy and picked up his bag and left right away. He called his colleague to say he didn’t feel well, so was going home early. He drove as fast as he could, reaching home in a record ten minutes. He stared at the road ahead, then wondered how he was going to find Karan and his snooty red BMW when he saw Piya exit the grocery store at the end of their lane with a bag. He bent down in his seat and saw her get into a red car – Karan’s car. He followed them, not knowing what he was doing, but unable to turn around and go home either. He knew Karan’s parents stayed at Modern City colony and he didn’t know what he was going to do once they got there. Quietly cursing himself he made up his mind to turn around and go back to work at the next turn when he saw Karan take a left where he should have gone straight ahead to get to his parents’ home. He was very curious to know where he was taking his wife. He kept following them at a safe distance with a few vehicles always between their cars. Karan turned into the gate of ‘Aztec Homes’, a relatively newer construction. ‘Had his folks bought a new house? Had they moved?’ No, he remembered the conversation Karan had with his mother; he had said that his parents stayed at Modern City colony and had been staying there since more than thirty years. Why then was he driving into a new, posh building where Amit could not enter due to the closed gates and presence of security guards who seemed to screen all cars that entered?

He stared up at the building as though trying to see where they were going. After about ten minutes he saw someone who looked like Piya standing in the balcony and yes, that was Karan who came and stood next to her, pointing at something far in the distance to his right, then to his left. Then Piya turned around as though she heard someone and then went back inside. Karan followed her in. He counted the floors; they were up on the seventh floor. What was happening? He sat numb-struck not knowing what to do. He couldn’t even call her; she had left her cell phone at home. Should he go up there? Was that someone else’s house? He wondered. He closed his eyes and shook his head. How had he come to this point in life where he was following his own wife?! ‘Well, if Piya wants to leave me, then she better come tell me herself.’ He thought. He turned the car around and drove home, told his mother he had a headache and slept the rest of the afternoon.

When he woke up, it was already dark outside and he heard voices. He got up, groggy and went outside to see his nemesis Karan sitting on the sofa with his wife and mother and children all around him, talking excitedly with him. ‘They all love him, don’t they’ he thought. ‘Maybe I should remove myself and put him in my place. The same family, just me who is gone from here.’ “Hey Amit, hows your headache now buddy?” He focused on everyone with a frown, “I’m not your buddy.” he spat out and there was an awkward pause in conversation. “And what the hell are you doing here?” “Amit? He came to give mummyji the oil for her knees.” That was Piya, defensive. “Yes yes I know. Free oil for my mother’s old knees. How kind and considerate of him. And have you given it?” Mummyji held up the bottle. “Then why are you still here? Go home, go anywhere, just get out of my home. You are always hovering around my wife and family. Go on, get out.” “Amit?! What are you saying? Stop it right now”, Piya pleaded with her husband. “It’s alright Piya, its ok; I know he doesn’t like me; but he does have a point; I gave the oil now I should get going. Anyways I have to get back home soon.” He got up and walked to the door. “I know I promised, but can I take you for a drive some other time, Bumblebee?” he asked Amey referring to his favorite Transformer. “Yes Karan uncle. it’s okay” The door shut with a soft clock. Amit looked at the four pairs of eyes trained on him, looking shocked and angry. “What? Don’t look at me like that. A guy needs to know his limits, he can’t spend all his time in another man’s house.” “This is the first time he had come home. Mummyji had asked him to stay for dinner, but you made him leave. I don’t believe you!” Piya looked furious and everyone walked away. Mummyji stayed, but she didn’t say a word either, she just looked sadly at her son.

“I need to talk to you Piya”, Amit said sharply, Riya held Amey’s hand and led him in their bedroom and shut the door. Mummyji walked into her bedroom and shut her door too. Piya walked into their room and sat on the bed. “Have you developed a bipolar disorder or something?” She asked straight faced “What??” “Yesterday you were sweet as sugar to me, helped me around the house, and made me feel like my husband of many years ago was back and today you totally humiliated me in front of my friend.” “How were you humiliated today? I didn’t say anything to you.” She covered her face in her hands and quiet sobs shook her body. “I can’t believe you Amit, I don’t understand you anymore.”

Amit took a deep breath and spoke. “You want to understand me? Then listen to me. Don’t answer, just listen. Yesterday I was trying to be that husband of many years ago too. I realized that I have not given our relationship importance in these past few years and wanted to correct it. I wanted to make you fall in love with me again.” Piya looked up at him. “Now tell me, what should I have done when I saw pictures of you; on your night out with girlfriends; with a very handsome and attractive man? You didn’t tell me about him. Yes I agree I was the one who didn’t speak to you, but when I saw the pictures I was shocked. And you are standing the closest to him and he’s holding you in almost all the photos. Isn’t it natural that I got upset and asked you?”

“Well never mind that. What should I have done when I couldn’t find my wife at our son’s birthday party? Then I see her hugging that same guy standing in some corner far away from everyone. Then she goes to drop her friend and doesn’t come back in for thirty minutes and then when she does come back, she is with that same guy, holding hands for all the people present there to see!”

“You know what Piya, forget that also. Tell me what I should have done or felt when I saw Karan drive you to some fancy new apartment of his? And you had so conveniently left your phone at home! I didn’t know you were so good at devious planning! So what is going on Piya, tell me. Don’t you think looking at Karan again, sitting in my house would make me upset? Are you going to leave me for him?”

She stood up, her face a mixture of sadness and anger. She wringed her hands and then sat down again, staring at a spot on the floor. It was like she was trying to make sense of it all. And then her face cleared, she had come to a decision. She stood up and walked slowly towards Amit, she looked him in the eye and whispered, “Im sorry”.

#Whats going on? Why is Piya saying ‘sorry’? Is Amit right or has he got it all wrong? Is this hurdle too big for them or can they jump over it unscathed? What is Piya going to do next?

Keep reading..chapter 4 coming soon!