Chapter 5 : A New Beginning

Karan and Amit shook hands and Amit smiled, “Well, I wish you good luck and I’m sure your parents will be very happy and will support you. Don’t forget us though; make sure you meet us every time you come down.” “Thanks man, I will. You make sure you keep your mind free of any doubts. You know; you could have, at any point of time, come and spoken to me and asked whatever you wanted. I would have understood and we probably would be friends.” “Well, yes, mistakes happen, I am human too after all! But we are friends now, and I will always treasure your friendship.” “Great! Piya did take the right decision after all!” Karan smiled. “What?” laughed Amit. “You don’t know do you?” Karan asked, “I’m not sure what you are talking about.”

Karan looked like he was contemplating something as he looked at Amit as though trying to see inside of his mind. “Well, it seems fair that you should know the other half of the story that Sheena has told you.” Amit was extremely curious; he felt it had to be something with Piya. “You are probably thinking it’s something about Piya”, he paused, “you are right, it is. Have a seat; will you have some more orange juice?” He asked nodding towards his empty glass on the table. “No thanks, just some water will be fine.” “Alright”, he disappeared out the door for a minute and was back with a glass and a bottle of chilled water. He poured the water and handed the glass to Amit. He sat down across from him and smiled. “Now remember we are friends, okay. And remember whatever I am telling you happened more than a decade ago. The story is outdated, and your relationship with Piya is the current news, you both being parents to two children, going through countless highs and lows of life.”

“OK you are scaring me now.” Karan laughed weakly, “It’s nothing so serious. Just that at one point of time, Piya wanted to break her engagement with you.” “What! When? Why??” asked Amit almost jumping out of his seat. “She was very upset with you.”

Karan settled back in his seat, “This was about 6-7 weeks before your wedding. We were meeting at Sheena’s P.G where she was staying at the time.” “Post Graduation?” “NO! Paying guest!” he guffawed. Amit looked sternly at him. “Sorry” he said looking unapologetic. Then Amit smiled and shook his head. They both started laughing. “This is good. You do have a sense of humor! Yes, so we were at Sheena’s P.G, our favorite hangout, away from the eyes and ears of adults; you know what is like at that age. So anyways Piya was late, and when she came we had already made the Maggi noodles and were eating it. She usually never started eating unless all three of us were there, so initially we thought she was angry at us that we were eating without her. So Sheena said ‘sorry, we were really very hungry.’ Piya just looked at her and burst out in tears saying that you two had an argument. After 15 minutes of coaxing and cajoling her, she stopped crying and explained what happened. She said she was talking to you on the phone earlier at her home and when she told you that she had to go meet her friends and would talk to you later, you apparently gave her a lecture about how you and your family must take prominence over basically everything else in her life and that now you alone must be her first priority etc etc..” Amit stilled, trying to recall that particular phone call. “She was very upset. Up till then she had never felt that you coming into her life would change everything about her, but that day she was feeling upset and very nervous and unsure about her decision. She felt that there would be nothing left of her, her ambitions, her hobbies, her choice of career, her friends, places she wanted to visit, things she wanted to do. She almost had a breakdown.”

“It took me and Sheena more than an hour to convince her that she was taking one argument way out of context and that you had probably said all that just in the moment and didn’t mean it. We kept reminding her how happy she was with you, how she felt on her engagement day and that you seem to be a very nice guy and that it will not be like that after her marriage. That it would definitely be her decision to work where she wanted, travel the world, meet friends, do whatever pleased her.” Amit looked stunned. Piya had wanted to break their engagement? “For just one fight on phone she would break it off?” “Not just one fight on the phone, there were other things too, she said you were very rude to all waiters whenever you both went to restaurants and that she had read somewhere that a person’s true character was revealed in the way they spoke to waiters; something to do with their value system and all. She held it in high regards because she would never be rude to any person. Waiter, beggar or movie star, it never mattered to Piya, she would take every one into consideration.” Amit just made a face.

“Then she said that she overheard her parents discussing that they needed to buy gifts for you and your family for the wedding at a certain highly priced shop and that someone on your side had insisted they do so. She didn’t like that you were dictating terms for what should have been her parents’ choice. She had also mentioned that you had hinted that your mother would not be very happy if she chose to work after marriage or wore the skirts and dresses that she always wore. She didn’t want to change her style of dressing. And one time I believe you were angry with her because she didn’t know how to cook and you told her to ‘better start learning soon for you don’t have much time left now.’” He kept ticking his fingers off like he was reading a list!

Amit looked positively horrified. Had he been so rude and mean to Piya? He had never thought about it from her point of view, he had only meant it as to what kind of wife he would want. ‘So I took a girl and forced her into the mould of the type of wife I wanted. Did I mould to the type of husband she wanted?’

“Anyways, those are all complaints of the past. We spoke that day trying to alleviate her fears and she did feel better after. The next day she said she spoke to her mother about all her fears and doubts, she wanted to know how she could know if you were the man she wanted to get married to, if she was making the right decision, if you both would be truly happy.” “What had aunty said?” “You call her aunty?” Karan asked suddenly. “Yes. What else should I call her?” “How about mummy? Because if I’m right Piya does call your mother as ‘mummy’.” “But she’s my mother-in-law.” “So is your mother to Piya!” Amit kept quiet, trying to sort it out in his brain. He had never thought about all these things as issues. “How does it matter anyway” he said dismissing it. “It does! To your wife!” “It does?” “Of course surely it does. It will make her happy if you give her mother the same stature and respect that she gives your mother.” “It will?” he asked incredulously? “Which age are you living in mate? Look around you. Women everywhere want to have their bit of respect and freedom; treat a woman like you would want someone to treat you. They are human just like you and I, capable of taking their own decisions and forging their own path. They also feel hurt when insulted, happy when complimented, you know..walking, taking, having an active brain which thinks!!” Karan said sarcastically.

“Have you been treating her right? All the decisions she has taken, not to meet us after her wedding, quitting her job, stopping her Yoga classes, missing all those trips and weddings her family wanted her to come for, even going out with Sheena every now and then; were all of those were her decisions or yours?” Karan was frowning and Amit felt like he was being backed into a wall. “Listen, it’s easy to blame me but in a marriage you have to adjust to the other person. We wanted to plan for a baby so she had to quit her job; there was no other option. And all those holidays and weddings, those were not convenient for me, I couldn’t get leave from work and we felt it was unnecessary expense for just one person to go. And my mother didn’t like her taking yoga classes in our house, it gives the feel that we are not financially stable. We have to uphold our status in society. And as for going out every now and then, there is so much to take care of in the house, she should be attending to that first or should she just while her time away going out with friends and forgetting all her responsibilities at home?” Karan narrowed his eyes, “Tell me Amit, whose baby was it and whose house is it?” “What are trying to say asking me such a question? Mine of course!” Amit was agitated now. Karan smiled and threw Amit off-guard, “Good, then don’t you think YOU should be taking care of YOUR baby with her and YOU should help her with YOUR housework?” “I go to office and slog all day and you want me to come home and work too?” “That’s a rubbish excuse! OK what about when Piya was ‘slogging’ at office too? Did you help her out that time?” “No, it’s a woman’s job to take care of the house.” “Oh, that’s nice, you go to work and get a free pass at housework, she goes to work but she has to double shift at home too?” Amit narrowed his eyes, his brain furiously working, trying to make sense of what Karan was trying to tell him, rather trying to find a way to defend himself. He found nothing, it was unfair the way he had treated Piya. “Relax Amit, remember I am your friend now. But I am Piya’s friend too, and a friend to every woman whose husband thinks she should live a maid’s life. You married a woman and made promises to her! Stop treating your wife like a maid! And in a marriage adjustments are made by both people, when it’s just one person doing all the ‘adjusting’, it’s not a partnership. Make her feel like your partner, not a subordinate who you are going to throw orders at.” Karan motioned for Amit to sit down and sat down himself. “She loves you Amit. She married you, didn’t she? Stayed with you all these years, did everything to make your life easy. Just, try to let her be herself. Take her own decisions, do what she wants, as long as it’s within a frame of reasonability. And when it’s not, then don’t decide for her, discuss with her why it’s not ok with you. She may see your point; or you may see hers!”

Amit was seething silently and kept looking out of the window. Karan sighed, “I didn’t mean to disrespect you or hurt you. If I did then I’m sorry. I do tend to get carried away when I come across men who are insensitive and indifferent towards women. The important thing is, she had all those complaints against you, but still decided to go ahead with the wedding. There has to have been something positive she saw in you that over-rode all those negatives. Just be positive and win back your wife and kids. She’s staying at Sheena’s house for the time being. I’ll give you the address.”

Amit was deep in thought when Karan handed him a piece of paper. “I’ll try to change Karan. The thing is, I’ve made many mistakes without being aware of them. I never thought Piya would have a problem with anything I did. And therein lies my biggest flaw. I haven’t treated her like an individual with her own thoughts and opinions and wishes. I will start doing that. I hope she forgives me.”

“That’s great Amit. She will. But don’t force her to do anything she doesn’t want to. Let her take the time she needs. Then she will feel much better about her decision because it will be completely her own.” “I’ll try my best and if you feel I’m forgetting, then please remember that as a friend it is your duty to remind me.” Karan smiled a sly smile and said, “You can be sure I will.” They shook hands once again and Amit opened the door and stepped out of the house, “By the way, nice house, how much did you shell for this place?” “It’s a friend’s place. My parents are still to be introduced to Anna and her mother, I’m waiting till the right moment. Till then he’s helping me out with a place for them to stay.” He nodded then waved to Anna and her mother and shut the door.


He tried calling Piya one more time. “What is it” Piya was annoyed. “Please read the messages I sent you; they say ‘Do not call me’. I don’t want to speak to you Amit. Not right now. Maybe after a couple of days.” “Please, just look out of the window.” She was intrigued. She walked over to the bedroom and peered from between the curtains. She saw Amit, standing on the footpath, under the window, with a huge bunch of white lilies and pink roses. Her favorite flowers. She opened the curtain wider and looked down at him. He looked remorseful, his clothes in disarray, shirt crumpled with wet patches all over and then he mouthed a sorry to her. She didn’t reply, just looked at him. ‘Can I come up?’ he signaled with his free hand. She stared at him and then nodded slightly and he smiled a big smile in response. He climbed up the two floors to find her standing in the doorway. “I have to go pick up the kids from school in five minutes”, she said looking at her watch. “I’ve asked a friend to pick them up and bring them directly” he said. She breathed out a long breath. “I’m sorry Piya, please forgive me. These are for you”, he said handing her the flowers. She took them without a word. Still standing there in the doorway, Amit controlled his urge to nudge Piya into the house so he could enter, he disliked standing in the hallway; vulnerable to peeping eyes and snooping ears. But he pushed all of that out of his mind. ‘It doesn’t matter’ he kept telling himself. “I’m sorry, please forgive me. I understand now what a big idiot I was and how much I have hurt you. Please forgive me Piya, give me another chance. You are the center of my world and I have not said this to you many times; actually I think I have never said this to you at all! But you are so important to me, more than I knew myself. I realized this only after you went away. I need you Piya; I love you; you know.” he added softly. Piya turned and walked inside, she couldn’t hold her tears back anymore. Tears of anger and sadness mixed with the tears of gratefulness she felt for Amit that he opened his heart to say this to her. He had seldom been vocal about his love or appreciation for her. But was it enough for her? She turned around expecting to find him behind her, she was surprised he still stood in the doorway looking distraught. “I’m sorry I make you cry so much.” “No, it’s alright, I’m okay” she said. “You can come inside.” “Thank you” he said and stepped in closing the door behind him. “Can I just use the washroom real quick, my shirt has got all messed up.” “Yes sure, it’s that way” she said pointing the door out to him.

While he was in there, she looked at the flowers, caressing them softly; she loved lilies and pink roses were always her favorite. She felt nice that he remembered. He came out looking neater than he had before, shirt tucked in, hair combed back and face washed clean. “Will you come for lunch with me?” She was at a loss for words. “Don’t worry about the children, as I said, my friend is picking them up, he will drop them. If you don’t want to talk to me, I won’t talk, we can just eat. Please?” She stood there, confused. She was about to say something when he said, “If you don’t want to go out then I can order some food here. If it’s OK with you that is. Or if you don’t want to eat with me at all, then that’s fine too. I’ll leave and call you tomorrow.” Her brows knitted, she stared at him. There was something definitely different about her husband. So he had given her three choices. “Do I have to choose one out of the three?” She asked. “No no, nothing like that. Whatever you want to do.” She waited for a minute appraising him. “Alright, let’s go. Give me a minute I need to get my purse.” Amit smiled and silently punched the air in victory. She saw his reflection in the mirror and stifled a smile. She turned around her face serious once again, “Let’s go.” She sat in the back of the cab staring out of the window the whole ride. Amit didn’t want to disturb her, or more, didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable by forcing a conversation so he just sat looking at her; the way she twisted her hands in her lap, adjusted the belt of her purse around her shoulder and kept pulling strands of hair away from her face. They alighted and walked to the entrance of a building and her face displayed her surprise. This was quite a fancy restaurant. ‘The Block’ was where they had been for dinner for their anniversary last year. She walked in nonchalantly; refusing to show him any emotion. The hostess greeted them and led them to the private hall, set at one corner of the restaurant. This was a closed door space with seating for a group of up to 30 people. As she opened the door with a huge smile on her face, Piya glanced in the hall and her mouth fell open with astonishment. There were almost a dozen people inside; her mother-in-law with Amey and Riya sitting next to her. Karan, his girlfriend and her daughter; Sanju with a very pregnant Preeti and Karan’s parents seated at the end to the right.

“What are you all doing here?” her voice was drowned out in the cacophony of voices, everyone shouting ‘Surprise’! Amit led her inside and shut the door, “There are three people missing, but we have managed to get two of them on Skype! Look; hello mummyji, how are you? See Piya is completely surprised” Amit laughed. Piya was stunned; by the surprise gathering and now by Amit who always called her mother ‘aunty’ (something that she never liked) was calling her ‘mummyji’. This was new. “Hi Ma! How are you? How’s Dad?” “We are all fine; having a wonderful trip. We are so happy for you; such a good plan Amit, calling us on Skype so we could also be a part of your surprise!” After chatting a while they disconnected and Piya went around meeting everyone. She wished Karan’s parents and then looked at him with eyebrows raised. ‘Not yet’ he mouthed silently shaking his head while his girlfriend smiled, rolled her eyes and elbowed him in the ribs. She smiled, so he hadn’t told them yet. Then she hugged her mother-in-law, Karan, his girlfriend, little Anna and exclaimed on looking at the kids “Where did you get a change of clothes from?!” “Mummy Karan uncle came to pick us up from school and he had got our clothes also for us!” They chimed. “Well, Amit did all the planning, he just handed me a bag and told me to give it to the kids.” Karan smiled. Piya hugged her brother and sister-in-law. “How are you feeling? Not too long now” “Oh.! I can’t wait till this little baby is born; these last few weeks are tough!” Piya laughed nodding and hugged Preeti again. She felt her heart bursting with happiness and love. She turned to look at Amit and tears sprung in her eyes. She went over to him. “What is all this?” “This is just the beginning. I’m truly sorry Piya.” So Karan is your ‘friend’ who went to pick the kids up?” “Yes, I spoke to him and apologized too. We are friends now.” “Thank you for this wonderful surprise.” She wanted to add that it didn’t mean that everything would be okay now, that it would still take some serious talking between them both. He had to trust and respect her. But she didn’t say all that. ‘Later’, she promised herself, she didn’t want to sour everyone else’s mood and she was genuinely happy too. This was a very nice surprise indeed. They took their seats and the food was brought in. After a heavy meal and six different types of dessert, everyone was stuffed. Preeti and Sanju were the first ones to leave as Preeti started to feel tired and needed to rest. Piya promised to visit her soon; Karan’s parents left next and then her mother-in-law. “Don’t worry about me, I can find my way back home” she smiled. Karan warmly hugged Piya and Amit and wished him luck. “I’ll drop the kids home in the evening, I’m taking all of them for a movie.” he announced. Piya smiled gratefully and reminded the kids to be well-behaved. “Don’t worry, I’m sure they will behave better than their father!” Piya turned around. “Amit, don’t say that!” she said. “It’s true”, he shrugged. “I’ve been an ass. You were right the other day.” She looked embarrassed, “I didn’t mean to call you an ass”, “No no, that was fine.” They were alone in the party hall, the food and plates had been cleared away and the bill lay in front of them. The server walked in at that moment “Please wait for a minute.” said Amit. The server nodded and went out the door.

Sitting there, just the two of them Piya looked at Amit gently. Now he’s going to assume I will move back home, she thought. But everything doesn’t get solved with flowers and a fancy lunch. He is taking some steps to get on my good side, but still… “See Amit”, she started. He put up a hand. “Please, can I say something first?” “Sure.” “Piya, I’ve realized a lot of things and there are still a lot of things I have to sift through in my mind and give some thought to. Whatever happened, I am sorry for it, but in a way I am also glad it happened, else I would not understand these things that have come across to me. I would not understand your value in my life. I hope my gesture today made you a bit happy. I am turning over a new leaf, but it will take some time; please bear with me. I have unknowingly reneged on many of our ‘pinky promises’ and I will make sure I honor them from now on”, he smiled. “Now I know a lot of things are going through your mind also and you have said you need some time before you can talk to me. I understand that Piya. Take the time you need, and whenever you want to speak to me I’ll be there. I hope you are comfortable in Sheena’s house; if you need anything tell me.” They stared at each other, one astounded and speechless, the other anxious and hopeful. “What I can do is I can drop the kids to school on my way to work every morning and you can pick them up. And if you say, then I will leave a bit early from work and pick them up after karate and singing class and drop them to Sheena’s place. Just let me know.”

Piya smiled a small smile. “Okay” she said, taking him up on his offer. She wanted to make sure he really meant what he was saying and that he was going to come through for her.

Amit counted out and shoved some money into the folder on the table. They both got up and walked to the door. Piya stopped and tapped Amit on his shoulder, he turned and Piya smiled, “I’m happy, thanks for understanding.” She gave him a peck on his cheek and opened the door and walked out.



They both walked out of The Block with tiny smiles on their faces, smiles that kept their hopes up, but also held a check on them as a reminder to not take the other for granted.

He wanted to hold hands and casually knocked against her hand twice, making it seem unintentional. She turned to him with a knowing look, and slipped her hand into his when he brushed against her hand the third time. His spirit soared and his heart bloomed out like spring amid a frozen landscape. He grinned at her and she smiled shyly. A minute later she took her hand out of his, “I’ll take a cab from here.” He nodded and said softly, “I pinky promise.” “Call me whenever.” he said a bit louder as he shut the door to her cab and smiled as he walked along.


Note from the author: This is an idealistic ending, but Our stories are not perfect. Endings are not always happy, but there are always more chapters to come. I have learnt that one must strive to find happiness no matter how the chapter ends, for there is always the next to look forward to.